How to save time on a reno without cutting corners

February 23, 2023

True professionals certainly don’t plan to cut corners on any client’s renovation. However, if you get into a tight situation on a job – maybe it’s scheduling issues or product delays or budget constraints – well, it might be tempting. But it’s not worth the hit to your reputation.

Here’s how to avoid putting yourself in that position in the first place.

Be honest and up front

There’s no point offering what you can’t deliver, even to draw interest. A quickly signed contract backfires when the client presses pause later on because they don’t understand what they’ve agreed to. By being clear from the start about timing, costs, permits and potential delays, as well as contingencies, you set up a good relationship that won’t leave you feeling backed into a corner.

Make use of a designer

Indecisive clients can cause unexpected delays and changes that drag a project on and leave you scrambling to finish in time for your next job. To keep the project moving, consider working with a designer to help your clients zero in on their vision. A designer can also help them work within their budget and feel confident in their choices while you get on with completing the less glamorous parts of the job.

Charge what you are worth

A low quote hurts your ability to do what you do best. Homeowners prefer to hire someone who can deliver on quality and integrity anyway. If you intend to do a good job, and you should, then charge accordingly so no one is put in a difficult situation when a low estimate is stretched by the unexpected. It’s also less tempting to cut corners to boost your take home pay if you feel you’re paid fairly.

Build professional relationships

The more connected your professional network, the more options you’ll have if something goes south. Being able to ask for a favour when you need it is invaluable, whether it’s help sourcing materials or extra hands on a job. But you will need to foster those connections. All the more reason to never bad mouth your competition.

Do your research and know your market

Beyond on-the-job experience, keep up to date with what’s going on in the industry. Subscribe to industry news, brush up on techniques and stay informed. Follow product innovations and reviews to help you discover cost- or time-saving measures, like Fusion Stone, that are not a compromise – and make you and your client happy.

As a mechanically fastened stone veneer, made-in-Canada Fusion Stone goes up quickly and securely with zero dry time. Its no-mortar system is perfect for cold-weather environments, and the air gap and rainscreen technology withstand wet conditions just as well.

Budget friendly and with a lifetime guarantee, it’s an innovation uninformed contractors are missing out on.

Check out all you need to know in our installation guides.